The real Rmarkup file is: IraAppliedStats.RmdĬlicking on Knit produces the desired HTML file.
My most recent posts attempted to post the error messages. However, I continue to receive error messages when trying to convert to PDF. setwd('C:/Users/Ira/Documents/Statistics') Rprofile file contains the following line. I do not know if the following is relevant. With a click of a button I successfully produced the HTML file which is filled with R code. I am trying to convert an R markdown file to PDF. I did read but I still do not understand how to convert my file. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-Ĭan someone explain in simple terms how I can perform this file conversion? Pandoc: Error producing PDF from TeX source. I downloaded and ran pandoc on the command line with pandoc –o Ira.pdf. I then tried Knit Word and that worked beautifully, producing a Word 2007 document. I then followed the first instruction at Īt this point I do not know if I need to add a memory dump file and if so, the details of how to do so. Pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found.
In RStudio I clicked on the Knit PDF button and received this error message.